Sunday, October 26, 2014

Not letting me get on?

Hey jammers! 
Spread the word about the Animal Jam Active Blog!
Um, it won't let me get on Animal Jam!
I need to update my flash player. I'll post later guys sorry!


  1. Can you please remove my subscription to this blog? Thank you, and please do because I am very busy and do not know how to. Please remove,

    1. Why? Is there any problem with my blog? Please let me know why your unsubscribing and any suggestions you have. Thanks!
      I don't think I can do it for you, I think you have to do it yourself. You may have to delete the notification email, or read what it says on there, but I don't know because I've never done it before. Sorry!

  2. I have left AJ, and I am gone. Really sorry, but life is SO busy thanks for the help, nothing wrong with blog 'cept bro teases me about it thanks.


Hi jammers! Please remember to only comment polite messages and no bad words, bullying, scamming, or inappropriate conversations. Every jammer has a right to have a different opinion than you, please don't be mean to them! You can comment suggestions, opinions, any answers to comment calls, etc. Stay safe! Have a great time on the Animal Jam Active and happy jamming!