Thursday, April 17, 2014

Giraffes + Swings

Hey jammers! Today's a day full of updates!

 Finally, giraffes are back!!!!! I think giraffes are one of the coolest animals in Jamaa!

Paw prints with a sign that says "We Are Coming", so that must mean new animals or pet!!!!  Yes!!!! Since it has a paw print I'm pretty sure it isn't a non member bird.  But maybe it's a hyena or a lynx or something. 
And AJHQ is thanking us for keeping it safe in Jamma. Unfortunately I wouldn't call Jamaa fully safe because of scammers and hackers. :(

 There is now a hard mode in the Search For Greely! And new phantom armor! I think the phantom armor is the coolest and most interesting armor, and it looks like it covers up most of your animal's body! You know, if you get that armor, you should make your animal black with that purple design and it would all blend together. 

 Earth Day! Well I'm thinking that on Earth Day I will start the little schedule thingy. And they say to visit the Medical Center for fun facts about giraffes so let's go!
Ah, here already!
Oh I was wondering what AJHQ was going to put there!
There is a new video (the one in the very middle) called 

There is also a new button that I can't get to work for me. It's the Repost Chat Button. Your supposed to just say something and then you can say it again by clicking the button and choosing what you'd like to say.

Eat 'em up! is x2 gems. And look!
AJHQ actually tells us that it means something! ^o^ I'm excited!

And there is a new Jam a gram
I was thinking it would have something to do with giraffes?

Today's new item is the Porch Swing!
Located in Jam Mart Furniture. And no, it's not the beta one thankfully. But AJHQ forgot the new sign! It's a cook item!
The Daily Explorer has posted some Jammer Art!


Hooray for Commander ChillywolfBlossom SunnyvioletArctic WolfLittle Magiclilly, and Precious Glambelle! They we’re chosen for this week’s Jammer Snaps featuring eggs!
Each year on the Monday after Easter in Haux (pronounce like ‘how’), France, a giant omelet is served.
Don’t forget a fork if you’re in this southern French town on Easter Monday. Each year a giant omelet is served up in the town’s main square. And when we say giant, we mean giant! It’s brunch for up to 1,000 people. Last year’s enormous dish was just shy of 10 feet in diameter and was comprised 5,211 eggs, 21 quarts of oil, and 110 pounds each of bacon, onion, and garlic.
This tradition arises from a story of when Napoleon and his army were traveling, and they stopped in Haux and ate omelets. Napoleon was such a fan of his that he asked everyone in Haux to gather their eggs and make a huge omelet for his 

There is a new contest now, so be sure to sign up!
And I might have mentioned this before but hopefully I will get the schedule up and running by Earth Day!


  1. i hope the nw animal s or pets are nonmember

    1. Me too. AJHQ hasn't made any new non member animals recently.


Hi jammers! Please remember to only comment polite messages and no bad words, bullying, scamming, or inappropriate conversations. Every jammer has a right to have a different opinion than you, please don't be mean to them! You can comment suggestions, opinions, any answers to comment calls, etc. Stay safe! Have a great time on the Animal Jam Active and happy jamming!