Monday, April 14, 2014

Rare Leaf Necklace

Hey jammers!
Today's RIM is located on the 5th page in Jam Mart Clothing. The Rare Leaf Necklace:
I love this item!! And the color combination is nice.
Looks: 4/5
Price: 4/5
Themed (to Easter): 1/5
That's quite good! 9 out of 15. I really wish I could buy this one. D:

The Daily Explorer has posted about the Spring Egg Hunt.
Have you found all of the hidden eggs in Jamaa? When you find the egg click it to learn animal facts! Find all of the eggs and learn all of the facts to win an exclusive reward from AJHQ!!
These eggs are only around for a short time. Don’t miss this chance to fill your noggin with all of this knowledge!

Also, hehe, just something I notice a lot. Sometimes jammers are quite silly!
Get it? Old Grandpaw (Old Grandpa).

There is a poll on the right so be sure to vote on it. And I think around this week I will have time to update a bit.


Hi jammers! Please remember to only comment polite messages and no bad words, bullying, scamming, or inappropriate conversations. Every jammer has a right to have a different opinion than you, please don't be mean to them! You can comment suggestions, opinions, any answers to comment calls, etc. Stay safe! Have a great time on the Animal Jam Active and happy jamming!