Sunday, June 1, 2014

Birthstone + Poll Fixed

Daily Update____
Hey jammers! I am so so so sorry for this really late post, it's just that in the past two days I've been so busy!
Today's brand new item is the Pearl Birthstone!!!

And a while back I forgot to post the activities calendar.
No games are x2 gems.

And the Daily Explorer has posted

Glitch Hour____
This is the number glitch that happened to me during an adventure a while ago

Active News___

There is a new poll to the right, be sure to vote on it. Comment below if it does or doesn't work please.

Jammer of the Month Sign-ups are still going on! Follow this link to comment your entry or you can email it to me at Follow this link to go to the comment page:

I don't think I'm busy anymore, so I will go back to posting on time. Sorry again


  1. Wow what a great blog!!! Your an excellent blogger!

  2. Awwh it's too bad that no games are x2 gems. QwQ


Hi jammers! Please remember to only comment polite messages and no bad words, bullying, scamming, or inappropriate conversations. Every jammer has a right to have a different opinion than you, please don't be mean to them! You can comment suggestions, opinions, any answers to comment calls, etc. Stay safe! Have a great time on the Animal Jam Active and happy jamming!